善耕堂是間擁有設計團隊,以開發出人性化使用接口、高科技為導向的公司,秉持一貫的高質量科技創新且具有服務的堅持的一所公司。并以成為消費性電子產品領導者為目標前進的專業企業。.善耕堂提供完整的產品組合,讓各領域的使用者皆能創造豐富的績效。善耕堂高質量的產品源自于扎實的研發,貼近人性的設計。除了不斷的超越極限和創新之外,善耕堂的研發團隊也在很多方面下心,像是使用者接口的貼心設計、產品電磁波干擾、外觀設計、模具材質選取、電氣安全測試、噪音測試、安規測試等許多容易被忽略的小細節,都是為了要讓客戶真心滿意。以上測試及認證需要通過包含,輻射線控制、能源控制(電池耗量)、生態學(必須對環境無害)和人體工學等種種考驗才能從善耕堂挑剔的工程師和設計師手中脫穎而出,證明了善耕堂的產品不但實用,而且是從心出發,每樣產品皆以客戶端著手加以設計。.為了在這極度競爭的產業中保持競爭力,善耕堂各種的產品必須要在市場、成本和服務也同步。這也正是為什么善耕堂全體同仁堅持不計成本只為做好產品給消費者、做好服務給消費者,為了讓客戶消費時仍保有好的價格、高的質量,并仍舊對所有善耕堂的客戶保有世界級的服務質量。.善耕堂一如其名,善心耕耘,堅持不懈,只為在這充斥良莠不齊產品的市場上,依舊提供給客戶在這紊亂的市場中佳的產品選擇、實在的市場價格、世界級的售后及產品服務。綜觀企業社會責任其牽涉的層面是廣而多樣的,可以說與企業有關的活動都可以是企業社會責任的議題。而善耕堂亦了是解企業社會責任的重要性,對于相關議題,將采取循序漸進的方式,訂定明確目標,并逐步確實執行。.善心耕耘客戶及產品、培植具創意的研發團隊,并對人類做出大的貢獻的善耕堂企業文化中,彰顯出善耕堂是一個以倫理、責任為文化的企業。從照顧顧客、員工及股東開始,在企業穩定獲利的基下,善耕堂亦抱持著「取之于社會,用之于社會」的觀念,善盡企業社會責任,以達企業永續經營的目標。.公司網址:segon.net.segon is a company with the top design team, which is based on developing easy-used interface and high technology. it maintains its high-quality scientific and technological innovation and persists in the top services..to become a consumer electronics leader for the goal of expertise, segon provides a complete compages of products for the users in various fields to be able to create the most wealth of performance. segon products of high-quality are originated from basic r&d; and humanized design. in addition to continuously exceeding the limit and innovation, segon r&d; team makes great efforts in many aspects, such as the user interface designs, product electromagnetic interference, appearance designs, mold material selection, electrical safety testing, noise tests, safety test, and many other small details which are easily overlooked. all these actions are for the customers’ satisfaction. above testing and authentication, which are exclusive, are based on the condition through radiation-control, energy-control (battery consumption), ecology (protecting environment), ergonomics and other testing programs designed by professional engineers and designers in segon. it comes out that segon products are not only practical, but also favorable. each style is designed whole-heartedly for every customer..in order to remain competitive in this extremely competitive industry, segon’s various outstanding products need to maintain the leading position in the market, cost and service. that is why all the segon’s colleagues, regardless of the costs, provide perfect products and good service to consumers. to keep the customers using the lowest price to obtain the highest quality, segon still offer the world-class service to them..segon sells the best products with the best price and service, even in the market intermingled of the good and bad products. the enterprise social responsibility is widely various. it can be said that all the enterprise-related activities are among the subject of enterprise social responsibility. and segon deeply understands the importance of enterprise social responsibility. it takes the approach step by step, sets clear objectives and gradually implements the relevant issues..to serve consumers and products, foster the most innovative r&d; team, and make the greatest contribution are the segon’s corporate culture. it highly reflects that segon is an ethical, responsible and cultural enterprise. beginning from caring for customers, employees and shareholders, and based on the enterprise stable profit, segon holds the conception of “what is taken from the society should be used for society", and fulfill the enterprise social responsibility to achieve the objective of sustainable enterprises business.