深圳市深華國際旅行社有限責任公司是深圳具有實力的旅行社之一, 深圳市深華國際旅行社有限責任公司系中國國家旅游局批準設立的具備出入境及國內游組團資格的國家一類國際旅行社(國際社號碼:L-GD-GJ00028),公司注冊資本500萬元人民幣。近三年平均年度經營收入超9000萬元,年接待總人數超12萬人次,出入境接待能力多年位居全國及廣東省前列,2002年度等三次被國家旅游局評為全國國際社百強,2000 年、 2001.2002 、 2003 、 2004 年連續被深圳市評為深圳市先進旅游企業,2000 年、 2001 、 2002 、 2003 、 2004、2005、2006、2007年連續榮獲全國百強國際旅行社稱號,經營國內游、入境游、出境游、旅游運輸、酒店等,是國家旅游局指定的出境團組團社之一,我公司擁有一支由各類專業組成的高素質業務人員和訓練有素的員工隊伍,有豐富的組織接待國內外旅游的經驗。“深華”品牌吸引了眾多的業務客戶和賓客,深華國旅的業務通達四面八方。本社歷年多次獲深圳市旅游局,深圳市運輸局表彰,評為 “ 先進單位 ” , “ 示范單位 ” ,國家、廣東省旅游局以及深圳市領導、市旅游局領導都先后前來本社視察,公司還設有不同等級星級酒店很多 座,有屬于自己的辦公大樓-----深華商業大廈,深華國旅以 “ 開拓、創新、優質、** ” 的經營理念及一貫秉承 “ 顧客至上、信譽** ” 的服務宗旨,吸引了眾多國內外賓客,贏得了國內外旅游界同行和廣大游客的廣泛好評及信任!
SHENZHEN SHENHUA INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE In Shenzhen,shenzhen shenhua International Travel Service is one of the biggest travel agencies in terms of scale. It was granted the honor of Shenzhen Advanced Travel Agency in 1998,1999,2000and 2001;and in 2006nd 2007,it was granted the honor of One of 100 Most Powerful International Travel Agency of China. The business includes domestic travel, travel to foreign countries and regions, travel-related transportation, hotels, etc. As a large travel agency, it was a team of talented and trained tourism professionals and employees who are experienced to receive tourists from this country and foreign countries andregions, its tourism network is well established in major Chinese cities . With it also owns Jingfeng Hotel, a 3-star with a capacity of 400 hundred tourists. With the philosophy of “innovation, quality, and efficiency” and objective of “Customers first, and reputation first”, Shenzhen shenhua International Travel Service has provided quality services to a huge number of guests from this country and aboard, and thus won good reputation and trust from the counterparts as well as tourists.