深圳市三目通科技發展有限公司成立于2002年07月,作為無線上網網絡設備研發的先行者,三目通科技從事研發、制造并銷售可靠、安全易用的技術產品及優質專業的服務。 .我們的目標是實現客戶的目標:工作**、生活豐富多彩。 .我們的公司 .三目通公司的總部設在深圳,在全國擁有多家戰略合作伙伴在全國開展業務,并建立以深圳為中心的研發基地。 .2002年,三目通設想在一個新的層面上,發展隨處方便上網的理念,以便將信息傳遞到人們的家庭和工作中去,使人們能多方面了解信息。帶著500萬的啟動資金以及將研發成果轉化為成功產品的堅定決心,帶著12名科研人員在深圳開始創業,公司命名為“深圳市三目通科技發展有限公司”。在公司的發展過程中,三目通勇于創新,開發了許多新技術的突破,其中包括了 .2002年08月研發出無線商務公話、無線接入臺; .2003年08月研發出國內首張pcmcia 接口的cdma和gprs無線上網卡; .2003年10月研發出國內首張usb接口cdma無線上網卡在國內上市,同時通過了中國聯通總部的嚴格測試并獲得聯通入圍證書; .2004年06月研發出pcmcia、usb cdma無線上網卡驅動軟件支持linx系統,同時與中國石化合作加油站數據傳輸業務; .2006年06月研發出國內首張pcmcia 接口的edge無線上網卡; . .我們的價值觀 .三目通公司及員工鄭重的承諾,以下四個核心價值觀是我們一切工作的基礎: .成就客戶——我們致力于每位客戶的滿意和成功 .創業創新——我們追求客戶和公司都至關重要的創新,同時快速而**地推動其實現 .誠信正直——我們秉承信任、誠實和富有責任感,無論是對內部還是外部 .多元共贏——我們倡導互相理解,珍視多元性 .研發人才 .三目通公司是一間極富創新性的高科技企業,秉承自主創新與追求卓越的傳統,三目通公司持續不斷地在用戶用戶關鍵應用領域進行了技術研發投入,在 .2002年08月研發無線商務公話、無線接入臺,項目投資250萬; .2003年02月研發無線上網卡項目,項目投資300萬; .2005年01月研發車載影院項目,項目總投資150萬; .2005年08月研發edge無線上網卡項目,項目總投資200萬; .公司擁有研發隊伍,研發成員16名,中博士生2名,電磁兼容1名,射頻工程師2名,硬件工程師4名,軟件工程師3名,技術部檢測工程師2名,客服工程師2名; .社會公民 .三目通公司承諾成為一名負責和積極的企業公民,不斷改善經營,為社會發展做出貢獻。三目通堅信企業是社會的一個重要部分,并致力于與員工和當地社會一道改善人們的工作效益和生活質量。 .shenzhen city head-technology development co., ltd. was established in july 2002 as a wireless network equipment developed by the pioneer of the three heads technologies in the development, manufacture and sales of the most reliable, safe, easy-to-use technology products and professional services. .our goal is to achieve customer objectives: efficient work, colorful life. .our company .head-three companies based in shenzhen, the country has a number of strategic partners in the business, and establish a research and development center in shenzhen base. .2002, the three head-envisaged in a new level, the development of the concept of the internet seamlessly access to information will be transmitted to the people and working families in order to enable people to understand the multifaceted information. with 5 million start-up funding and the success of r & d results into products for the firm determination, with 12 research personnel began venture in shenzhen, the company named as the "shenzhen city head-technology development co., ltd.." in the company's development process, the three head-to be creative and to the development of new technology breakthroughs, including the .august 2002 developed the wireless business, wireless access platform; .august 2003 developed the first domestic pcmcia interface cdma and gprs wireless network connection; .october 2003 developed the first domestic cdma wireless usb interface card in the domestic market, while china unicom through rigorous testing and the headquarters of china unicom was nominated certificate; .june 2004 developed pcmcia, usb cdma wireless lan driver software support linx system and cooperation with china petrochemical pfs data transmission business; .june 2006 developed the first domestic pcmcia interface edge wireless network connection; .our values .head-three companies and employees solemn commitment, the following four core values are the foundation of all our work: .achievements customers - we are committed to each customer satisfaction and success .venture innovation - we are in pursuit of clients and companies are crucial innovation, and at the same time quickly and efficiently to promote the realization of its .integrity integrity - we uphold trust, honesty and rich sense of responsibility, whether internal or external .multiple win-win situation - we advocated mutual understanding and cherish diversity .r & d talent .head-3 is a highly innovative and high-tech enterprises, independent innovation and uphold the tradition of excellence, the three companies continued head-user customers in the key areas of technical r & d investment, .august 2002 r & d of wireless business, wireless access desk, investment 2500000; .february 2003 r & d on wireless lan projects, investment 3000000; .january 2005 r & d car theater projects, a total project investment of 1.5 million; .august 2005 edge wireless internet research and development projects, a total project investment of 2 million; .the company has research and development teams, research and development 16 members, two doctoral students, an electromagnetic compatibility experts, two rf engineers, hardware engineers 4, three software engineers, technical testing of the two engineers, two customer service engineers; .civil society .head-three companies promised to be a responsible and active corporate citizens, and continuously improve their business, to contribute to social development. qualcomm firmly believe that the three heads of enterprises is an important part of the community, and is committed to working with a staff and the local community to improve people's work efficiency and quality of life.