本公司是一家研制、生產、銷售錫制品及有關化工制品的專業廠家,主要生產錫線、錫棒、錫膏、工藝合金線、助焊劑、稀釋劑等產品。其產品采用國內外標準的原料,引進先進 全自動機械以及的品質檢驗設備,先進的技術配合,經驗豐富的工程師,化驗師,使得產品從研制、原料采購、生產制造,一系列制成都處在嚴密的控制下,保證了產品的質量。
TST specialized developing and manufacturing solders products and continuously works on improving production in this specialized field. And now offer the world marker our premium products, which include solder bar,solder wire ,solder paste, hardware welding tin all products are made form both imported and domestic raw materials, which undergo stringent tests in our own test facilities using the most sophisticated imported testing machinery. The advanced technological process together with our highly skilled technicians, ensure strictly control of the whole manufacturing process in aim to guarantee the finest quality of our products.
After establishing our company, our products have won recognition and credit price, sincerity and quality service, we trust we can satisfy your special needs and work together to wards a prospect future.