崴航集團自創立以來,承蒙各大船公司/航空公司,廣大客戶群及貨運同業的支持, 發展順利,且廣受好評,目前我們已發展成為涵蓋海空整合貨運服務,在海內外自設三十余處海空運服務據點,及**各地遍設代理網的優質企業.中國大陸改革開放以來,經濟成長快速.本公司也乘勢于1998年開始進軍香港/中國大陸市場,如今已在各主要口岸設立二十余處分公司或辦事處. 且各分辦自2004年中起,陸續取得營業執照,成為合法企業.
更進一步,以兩岸三地為業務推動根據地,自2005年起,開始在其他海外地區自設服務據點.2005年1月,印尼分公司PT KING FREIGHT INDONESIA成立.于2006年4月,與新加坡MAC-NELS集團在中東(杜拜)合資設立MAC-NELS DUBAI SHIPPING. 2006年9月美國分公司KING FREIGHT (USA) INC.成立,2006年10月越南分公司KING FREIGHT INT'L VN CO LTD成立,因此使得崴航正式成為跨足于-香港-中國大陸-印尼-中東-美國-越南的國際性企業.未來本公司陸續將成立更多崴航自有品牌的服務據點, 以滿足客戶的各項服務需求.衷心企盼能成為您事業上的佳伙伴,崴航全體同仁仍將繼續努力,充實服務內容與提升服務水準,懇請您繼續給予支持與鼓勵,謝謝!
King Freight Logistics Limited. (KFEC)
King Freight International Corp. was incorporated officially on December 13, 1994 while business operations were started from March 1, 1995. In the initial stages it was focused on ocean freight forwarding however it was extended to cover airfreight services in about one year latter catering to the diversified requirements of our customers. Ever since then King Freight International Corp. has won tremendous support from ocean and air carriers, valuable clients as well as industry partners. Growth has been quite fast, smooth and successful.
Over the past decade King Freight International Corp. has become an integrated service provider with over 30 own offices in 7 countries plus a global agency network. We are particularly proud of our network in China as it is one of the strongest from outside. Since opening up in late 1980s China has become a global source of all kind of products and thus cargo volume has been booming. We started our movement into China in 1998. Today we have offices at all major coastal cities and start to expand into inland from 2006. Since 2004 all offices have obtained official licenses under either A Class freight forwarding or NVO status.
In addition King Freight International Corp. has set up own office in Indonesia, Viet Nam, U.S.A. as well as a joint venture office in Dubai. Presently we have close to 1,000 staff and is claimed as one of the major players in our areas.
We will act as your best partner in total logistics solution. We will continue our efforts to provide the most reliable services.
電話: 0769-23220092