WAY-WAY Logistics boasts a batch of trained,high-spirited professionals familiar with operations of air and sea transport. Backed by Shenzhe, the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, the Company provides the best guarantees of trust, including strong ability of port coordination, close cooperation with various airlines and ocean carriers, worldwide freight agent network, convenient customs passages, mature operation and guarranteed shipping space.
WAY-WAY Logistics is devoted to road transport, possessing more than 30 professional container freight liner, which all have such transport permits as driver's license issued by the Customs. Being eligible for customs declaration and transit in Guangdong provice, we mainly undertake transport of import & export containers from places in Guangdong province to Yantian Harbor and Shekou Harbor. The professional, qualified vehicle controlling personnel operate the computer intelligent management system to control and manage vehicles and drives effectively, familiarize themselves with shipping, wharf operation and relation, and complete the transport tasks safely and efficiently.
We have customs declaration qualification and many experienced declarants. In light of the importance of customs declaration in logistics and to provide better services to customers, we have set up a customs broker at each port in Shenzhen to enhance our services of customs declaration and inspection application. These customs brokers are managed by designated persons.
The strong sesnse of responsibility and enterprising spirit of our staff is a most powerful guarantee of satisfaction to customers with the rapid growth of freight service.
深圳市偉維運通國際貨運代理有限公司系經國家商務部正式批準的國家一級貨運代理企業,并經中華人民共和國交通部批準經營無船承運業務。公司以集裝箱海運為主,業務涉 及各式陸運、空運、倉儲、保險、報關、報檢、物流咨詢及商務助理等多項服務領域,服務航線遍及世界各地。
我們 即可全心全意的為您提供高質量、的專業化服務。因為運輸費用的節省和優質的物流服務將為您帶來更有競爭力的成本節約與和諧的產銷運營體系。