信匯船務有限公司成立于1994年,總部設于香港.由于近年珠江三角洲發展迅速,為了配合廠商的出貨需求,已于深圳市設立了國際貨代公司,并在鹽田自營車隊.專業從事國際航空, 航海貨運業務為主, 綜合倉儲, 貨物監裝, 監卸, 集裝箱裝拆箱,分撥,中轉及相關運輸服務. 經多年不斷努力,公司已擁有一隊具有豐富經驗及精通物流業務的專業人才,良好的行業道德及信譽保證. 我們于世界各地均設有完善的貨運網絡及代理公司,可為貴司的貨物安排門到門的一站式貼身服務.讓閣下安坐家中,就可知悉貨物的具體情況,真正感覺到什么叫"高枕無憂”.
本公司提供多元化的優質服務, 經營范圍如下:
國際航海貨運 (整柜/散貨)
深港陸運,派貨 ( 并車/噸車/拖柜 )
代辦進/出口報關,報檢 ,一般貿易報關 .
代辦進/口文件:簽發提單, FORM A, CO, 香港轉口證及各領事館加簽服務等.
上海分公司地址: 上海市虹口區四平路天寶華庭2號樓901-903室.
Entrust int’l logistics ltd, with headquarter in Hong Kong(China), was established in 1994. With the rapid development in Southern China region and continuing growth of cargo turnover, Entrust has set up branch in Shenzhen (License No. : S12957), China and made investment in a fleet of containers and trucks so as to meet the increasing demands of cargoes inward/outward delivery.
Entrust has been mainly committed to the business of International Air Freight and Sea Freight. With our good reputation in the field and well-established forwarding network, Entrust further provides Warehousing, Distribution, Multimondal Transportation (Total Logistic Solutions) and other related services.
In the past years, Entrust has trained up a team of professionals with experiences and rich logistic knowledge, and has established a good code of conduct and reputations. Let's feel the Entrust's perfect service now.
Vision & Commission: Customer first, Perfect service, Reasonable Price
Our company provides a wide range of services at one-stop basis:
l International Sea Freight (LCL/FCL);
l International Air Freight;
l International Express Services;
l Land Transport (Trucks/Containers);
l Warehousing, Inventory fulfilment & delivery, Container Segregating, Sorting, Stuffing, Cargo Shifting, etc;.
l Cargo Insurance;
l Import/Export Customs Clearance;
l Documents: Bill of Lading, Airway Bill, FORM A & CO, Re-export C.O. and Consulate General's Endorsement;
l Letters of Credit for Inward/Outward Bills and General Business Service Consultancy.
Except to the services above, Entrust follows the individual need of each customer to provide the desired service in a reasonable way. Entrust is always your best choice of business partner. We welcome your enquiry whenever in your convenience.