We are a professional exporting supplier which dedicated to variety of toys, Sport Games, daily goods, Intelligent Games ,stationeries and Promotion gift, etc.
Our products are based on different customer’s requirements.
We have kept to the principle of "Quality first,Customers forcast "
In the past 10 years, our products are exported to all corner of the world while our customers’ requirements are from single to diversified. We enlarge the field of items we sold ,from toys to sport games ,from daily goods to stationeries. According to the countries and particular regions, we recommend key products for customers to expanding bigger markets. Meanwhile, we keep pace with the times, looking for more renewal, better products to meet the increasingly innovational modern world.
We have offices in Hong Kong, shenzhen, shantou and yiwu,that is for customers’ easy visiting and negotiations at any time. In shantou headquarters, we owned toys show room.
新美華(香港)實業有限公司成立于2001年。主要出口玩具到世界各個國家,目前已有10萬種以上產品類別,包括:MDF 體育產品系列,遙控,電動,益智,毛絨,聲控,圣誕,OEM促銷品及禮品等。并兼為老客戶其他產品采購商采購商,如:義烏小商品,文具,花邊,皮帶,錢包,等。.公司分為:汕頭工廠跟單,財務,QC及國際業務部,香港外幣財務部,義烏小商品市場QC部及深圳國際業務辦事處。我司已有近9對外出口業務,阿里巴巴8年VIP會員,并多次參加香港貿發局玩具展,及歐洲大德國紐倫堡玩具展,目前正在商討其他展會及網絡平臺的擴展情況。我司一慣重在開發新客人及維護老客人合作關系,用真誠的服務和踏實的工作態度,贏得客戶的好評。