興泰邦盛投資咨詢有限公司(Kenton Bondson Investment Consultants Incorporation, KBI),是一家擁有多元化金融產品及服務之專業及具實力的機構。我們透過**合作伙伴網絡,以及先進的網上交易平臺,提供對外匯、能源、金屬、股票、指數等有關的現貨和期貨差價合約投資。我們評估各類型產品的周期性表現,為廣大投資者量身訂制相應的投資組合及策略,以便及時把握各領域的佳投資機會。
Kenton Bondson Investment Consultants Incorporation (KBI) , is a professional and powerful organization which provides a wide range of financial products and services.We provide foreign exchange, energy, metal, stocks and index etc both ex-stock and futures contract investment through the worldwide network and advanced online exchanging platform. We evaluate the periodical performance of product to provide a tailor-made investing mix and strategies to our clients. This enables clients to capture favourable investment opportunities.
KBI integrates both domestic and overseas operations, management mode and organization structure, our powerful investment analysis team is composed of financial management specialists and professionals. We lead in a brand-new and standard modern investment management from the international financial consultancy company. We have plentiful service experience and good reputation to cooperate with overseas securities groups and organization investors.
We are young and vigorous. We provide animated and harmonious working ambiance, modern and superior working environment, well-organized training and promotion system. To cope with the business needs, we invite high caliber candidates to join us!