美國總公司FSI INC位于東海岸的Charlotte,創始人為中國早的計算機公司之一-浪潮的**任總經理蘇中先生,蘇先生于80年代初期到美國白手創業,事業在美國獲得了很大的成功,是東海岸大的電腦公司之一,是美國北卡州政府認證的政府采購指定供應商,也是美國企業界廣受贊譽的亞裔成功企業的典范,同時也是美國IBM、Bank of American、OfficeDepot等美國大型商企的的供應商。
專才熱線:8325 9797 83251022 83251633
地 址:深圳市福田區華富路1048號新欣紙業大廈701室
電 話:0755-83251022 83259797 83345188 〔技術支持〕傳 真:0755-83250015
US Add:3801 rose lake drive,charlotte,nc,28217,usa.
fsiinc (美國公司)
shision (深圳子公司)
Fortress System Internation Inc (INC)With over Twelve Years of experience and a wide variety of products and Services. Fortress Systems International has become one of the Leading Computer Distributors on the East Coast. With our 40,000 Square foot warehouse with pretty much have anything you need in stock. With our wide range of computer components and customized systems have enabled us to become the leading distributor in the Carolina's for the past six years. We also offer Dell, IBM, Hewlett Packard, Compaq and Apple to meet your customer's every demand. Our success is largely due to our friendly and knowledgeable sales team, customer service, efficient RMA service, and aggressive pricing.
Our sales team will help and direct you on the best system configurations for your business and customer's needs. We sell a wide variety of hardware components, as well as, high-end NT, Windows 2000,2003 and Linux servers and workstations. Also we provide daily, weekly and monthly specials at a competitive price that can all be picked up in our 1600 square foot show room or be shipped out.
Provide the user with years of reliable performance. Our technicians are HP, Compaq, IBM, ISO9002, Apple and FCC certified. All systems
Built exceed FCC standards by 15%. Hopefully this page will give you a little insight on our company and interest you to call our sales department with any questions that may arise. Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you and your company.