XinYu Plastic Box PackagingCo.,Ltd. was established in 2005,one sub-institute of SanYu Group,has been specialized in green plastic box.With years developing. now is one of the leading company inthis industry ,Our compang‘s area is 40,000㎡,own more than 400loyal workmen !
we will server you with the best one stop packaging solution offering design ,products,and logistic etc services ! XinYu ‘s mian products including APET 、PET、PVC、 PP 、PS 、PC、 EVA,soft bag ,clear boxes ,and blister packages.Proceeding every details with high standard quality control ,we will strictly proceed ISO certification procedures request .
"Honsty " , "Creation","profession" ,and "Efficiency" are XinYu Printing‘s highest Principles ,we aim to be the industry leader and the best packaging solution creator . To be the top level in the packaging industry , we found big teams with enthusiasm、creation、passion and profession.
By offering a wide range of competitively priced merchandise of a high standard to our customers .XinYu has become one of the industry‘s favorite brand and has been famous as its quality control and remarkable efficiency .