亞瑪遜歷奇是一所新成立的港資幼兒教育中心,以亞瑪遜雨林為背景,重點培訓英語﹑數學邏輯和科學原理,關注2至6歲幼兒的多元智能發展 (包括: 語言能力,認知能力,邏輯推理,體格發展及人際關系),均衡訓練孩子的左右腦。
本中心提倡啟發式的教學方法,透過系統及嶄新的游戲教學形式,引領孩子進入知識的森林探險,激發孩子對學習的熱情,提高孩子的學習動機,拒絕 “死記,硬背”的強行植入的學習模式。
YaMaSun is a new Early Education Centre established in Shenzhen, with Amazon Rain Forest Adventure theme-based. It provides appropriate professional assistance and training (Including: English, Logical-mathematical and science experiment) for 2-6 years old children, to facilitate kid’s brain development and help them reach their full potential.
The centre aims to supplement the traditional, one-way academic system, by introducing children to the intelligence enhancement curriculum structured to stimulate various types of ‘intelligence’ required for their success in life.
YaMaSun wants to provide a fun, challenging and engaging adventure experience for every kid that driven them to become confident, happy and motivated to learn. We are looking for passionate candidates who love kids and energetic to join us. If you have the ability to inspire children to learn and take pride in seeing your students develop, we would like to hear from you.