東陽公司成立于2000年7月,總部位于中國深圳,于2006年7月在香港設立辦事機構。我們是國內的安防和產品制造商。東陽公司主要致力于4、8、16路嵌入式硬碟錄影機、監控攝像機等產品的研發和生產。硬碟錄影機包括H.264,MPEG-4,MJPEG壓縮格式;攝像機分為紅外防水系列,半球系列,防爆系列,槍機系列,微型系列,一體機,IP網格攝像機等。東陽公司由前沿市場需求為導向研發推出的一系列產品均彩用優質元器件,利用嚴謹先進的生產管控,結合時尚環保的外觀,為東陽贏得很好的市場聲譽。東陽公司集國內研發技術精英,擁有專業行銷團隊,實現現代化企業管理體系,采用ERP辦公自動系統管理。公司樹立了“進取,創新,嚴謹”的企業精神,除為國內廣大客戶提供高附加值的產品和服務外,公司產品已遠銷美國、加拿大、英國、法國、義大利、澳大利亞、伊朗、印度、馬來西亞、印尼等40多個國家和地區。東陽公司發展目標是成為國際的專業安防系統供應商,希望能與合作伙伴共同發展,共創輝煌。 ESUN INTERNATIOANAL,Dongyang company was founded in July 2000, is headquartered in Shenzhen, China, in July 2006 set up offices in Hong Kong. We are a leading manufacturer of security products. 4,8,16 Road Dongyang company focused on embedded hard disk video recorders, surveillance cameras and so on product development and manufacturing. Hard disk recorders, including H.264, MPEG-4, MJPEG compression format; into IR waterproof camera series, Dome Series, explosion-proof series, bolt series, mini series, one machine, IP cameras and so on the grid. Dongyang company market demand from the leading edge R & D launched a series of products with high-quality color components, use of strict control of advanced manufacturing, environmental protection, combined with stylish looks, good for the market to win the reputation of Dongyang. Dongyang set of first-class R & D company elite, professional marketing team, modernized enterprise management system, automated system using ERP office management. The company has set "aggressive, innovative, rigorous" spirit of enterprise, in addition to domestic customers with high value-added products and services, our products are exported to the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Australia, Iran, India , Malaysia, Indonesia, more than 40 countries and regions. Dongyang company goal is to become a professional world-class security system providers, hope to work with partners to develop, create brilliant.