公司主要致力于交通運輸行業信息技術開發和應用研究、信息技術咨詢、交通信息數據采集和信息服務,國際、國內先進智能交通技術的引進、應用研究和市場推廣,參與深圳智能交通系統的建設。 公司擁有或掌握多項智能交通關鍵技術和產品,與國內外多家智能交通行業龍頭企業建立了戰略合作伙伴關系,主要從事各種北斗/GPS產品研發、生產、銷售和運營平臺服務,智能公交營運調度管理系統設計、開發、實施和維護,公交企業ERP開發,公交電子站牌/亭建設,城市交通仿真研究與實踐,RFID技術應用開發與推廣,智能交通信息標準化研究,城市交通ITS研究與咨詢服務等等,著力推進深圳交通運輸管理“數字化、信息化、智能化”進程。
Shenzhen E-Traffic Technology Development Co., Ltd is a technological innovative company which specializes in the application research and market promotion in the fields of urban transport, public transport, information technology in transportation, intellectual technology etc.
We are committed to the information technology development and application research of transport, information technology consulting, traffic information data collection and information services, the importation, application research and market promotion of international and domestic advanced intellectual traffic technology. We had participated in the construction of intelligent transportation systems in Shenzhen.
We have many key intelligent traffic technologies and products, and have built strategic cooperative partnership with many home and abroad intelligence traffic leading enterprises. Main businesses we engage in include BD/GPS product research and development, production, sales and operating service ,intelligent bus operation system design, research and development, construction and maintenance, public transport enterprise ERP development, electronic bus stop construction, urban transport simulation technology research and practice, application and promotion of RFID technology, intelligent transport information standardization research, urban ITS research and consulting service etc. We focus on promoting the transport management process of “digitization, informatization and intellectualization”.