Shenzhen IN2LOG International Freight Forwarding Co. Ltd
In2Log, specialist in Asian consolidation logistics in the furniture sector
Formed from the integrated logistics of the CAFOM and BUT furniture company and with this wealth of experience, IN2LOG has now become an essential player in logistics services in China.
Our services are mainly to do with storage of goods in our warehouse, consolidation and counseling services of logistics. Specialize in Ocean Freight Fowarding , Air and Express.
亞洲家具產業內的整合物流 IN2LOG
IN2LOG 由 CAFOM 綜合物流和 BUT 家具公司組建而成,憑借其豐富的從業經驗,現已成為中國物流服務領域的重要參與者之一。我們主要提供貨物倉儲、物流整合與咨詢服務,專營海運貨代、空運和快遞業務。
作為 TTOM 集團的成員之一,IN2LOG 目前為知名的家具零售商提供供應鏈服務,如 CAFOM 集團(HABITAT、Vente-Unique 和 Direct Low Cost)。
作為一家增值服務提供商,IN2LOG 的宗旨是為客戶提供創新型解決方案,以幫助其優化流程運作并降低供應鏈成本。無論是在歐洲、亞洲亦或西印度群島,IN2LOG 都在運輸領域貢獻其專長。
We would like to express our most sincere congratulations to you for joining us at Shenzhen IN2LOG International Freight Forwarding Co. Ltd (hereinafter known as IN2LOG). It is our great pleasure to welcome you to our dynamic team and we may offer you a competitive benefit as below,
1. 具備競爭力的工資
2. 績效獎金(年終為表現良好員工發放獎金)
3. 社會保險(包括養老、醫療、工傷、失業、生育)
4. 住房公積金
5. 帶薪假期:法定假期、婚假、生育假、全薪病假等
7. 商業保險(綜合醫療保險、意外險、重大疾病險)
8. 深圳戶口 (入職滿1年可申請辦理)
9. 員工活動
11. 根據工作年限給予員工10-15天的帶薪年假