Founded in 2011, we are a funded mobile game startup "Dreamheart Games, Inc." from San Francisco, produced games top ranked in Europe and Asia. We are moving to China and looking to build a separate engineering team in Shenzhen. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in mobile technologies, game development, and engineering leadership. Since you will be one of the first engineers, you will architect and build the product from the ground up and have a chance to become an engineering lead or manager. Work with technologies such as iOS and Android and develop the coolest games for millions of users!
成立于2011年,我們是一個來自于硅谷舊金山的新創手機游戲公司 DreamHeart Games。秉承豐厚經驗及人文氛圍,我們出品的游戲都榜上有名。我們現來深圳開發一只的程序員團隊并成立深圳市智浩移動科技有限公司。如果你愿意涉足手機內容提供和游戲開發,有志成為工程師團隊領軍人物,此機會請勿錯過。由于公司正處于發展期,您將成為我們美國駐華公司的首批工程師,與硅谷公司原創始人緊密協作,擔任要職。你將經手iOS和 Android科技,為千萬玩家開發至酷游戲。
We offer a worldly US startup culture where everyone is given a chance to have their voice heard. We love playing games, so expect a fun environment! Collaborate with US counterparts and develop great english-speaking abilities. Develop on Apple Macbook Air and/or iMac
1. 每半年調一次薪,并根據業績考核發放獎金;
2. 五險一金;
3. 帶薪年假;
4. 定期國內外旅游及團體活動;
5. 每年員工體檢;
6. 午餐、通訊補貼,常備水果、茶水、咖啡、糕點