We vacuum everything!
Ruwac, incorporated in 1976, is a market leader for the design, manufacture and construction of industrial vacuums.
We have DIN EN ISO 9001-2000 Quality Assurance Certification. This is your guarantee that our products meet the highest quality standards and will provide a long, trouble-free service life. RUWAC means cost-effectiveness. Our products are cost-effective to buy and cost-effective to operate. This applies to all our products. To our standard product range. To the customised plant and equipment built using our modular range of units. Tried-and-tested components designed to ensure that your vacuum and extraction plant gives long, productive service.
Many of our products are used in very sensitive production areas. This is why safety always comes first at Ruwac. All our vacuums are TüV or BGIA tested and approved.
德國Ruwac 成立于1976年德國梅勒,Ruwac中國公司是德國Ruwac公司在中國的唯一子公司, 隸屬于Ruwac亞太區。Ruwac公司專注于工業除塵領域已達五十年之久,目前我們的設備大約占有德國工業除塵領域75%的市場份額。此外Ruwac公司在歐洲,北美和及亞太地區的業務也進展的很順利,客戶遍及各種工業領域。