蘇州新科工程有限公司,注冊于蘇州工業園區,注冊資本1500萬元。公司主要從事工業廠房建筑、機電安裝、室內外裝修總承包工程,包括設計、采購、施工和管理。自成立以來,公司始終致力于為客戶提供專業的服務,在人員配備、團隊建設、資源整合等方面進行了大量努力。 公司里的員工有從基層做起的,擁有豐富的實踐經驗,非常了解實際情況和客戶的要求;有從國外院校留學回來的,擁有堅實的理論和學術背景;有在專業領域擁有專長的。通過多年的發展,新科積累了豐富的技術資源和市場資源,在蘇州建筑行業中,已贏得了一定的聲望。新科的目標是保證良好的社會聲望,成為客戶和員工的**選擇。
SunTek was established in 1999 in Suzhou Industrial Park with registered capital of 15 million RMB, mainly active in Mechanical & Electrical installation and Interior Decoration, which ranged from Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Management. Through years of development, SunTek has accumulated rich technical and market resource, and has successfully obtained a splendid reputation in construction decoration field. It is SunTek’s ambition to be the first choice of customers, employees, and to be a respected member of society.