Silicon Labs芯科科技用人標準和理念是:只用這個領域的人才,人才是Silicon Labs芯科科技寶貴的資源!
1. 五天工作制,彈性上班時間;
2. 美國總部培訓機會;
3. 英語培訓(華爾街英語WSE);
4. 季度獎金(按月發放);
5. 年終雙薪;
6. 全額社會保險;
7. 員工及子女商業保險;
8. 住房公積金;
9. 年度旅游;
10. 帶薪休假(多每年20個工作日);
11. 每年12天全薪病假;
12. 節日禮品;
13. 紅白喜事禮金(結婚、生子、喪親等);
14. 豐富的員工活動(乒乓球、羽毛球、爬山及燒烤等);
15. 辦公室全天點心飲料供應;
16. 暑期高溫補貼;
18. 專利獎金;
19. 年度體檢及免費戶口遷調等。
深圳芯科科技有限公司 Shenzhen Silicon Labs 位于深圳市南山區科技園南一道德賽科技大廈,其總公司芯科科技(NASDAQ: SLAB)位于美國德克薩斯州的奧斯汀市,是一家在**范圍內開展研發及銷售的跨國企業。公司秉承聘用這個領域拔尖的杰出人才不斷地進行革命性創新的理念,為顧客的成功貢獻優質**的技術和服務。
芯科科技成立于 1996 年,本著不斷創新和穩健執行的原則,其堅實的業務基礎和優良的業績使公司自成立至今一直處于持續**發展的狀態。 芯科科技始終如一地推出 CMOS 工藝上實現的佳產品,顯著地改進客戶的價值方案。這些產品通過利用前沿的系統架構和 CMOS 加工技術,極大地簡化客戶設計流程和縮短產品上市時間。
芯科科技推出的各種具備自主專利的專用和通用產品組合適用于各種市場及應用,其中包括高性能數模混合信號微控制器、廣播音頻解決方案、嵌入式ISO撥號調制解調器、PROSLIC用戶線接口電路、直接接入端口芯片、衛星機頂盒接收器、語言編解碼芯片、高性能振蕩器、 SiPHY收發器、數據時鐘恢復,以及精準時鐘芯片等。
Headquartered in Austin, TX, Silicon Labs is a global enterprise with operations, sales and design activities worldwide. The company is committed to contributing to our customers’ success by recruiting the highest quality talent to create industry changing innovations.
Founded in 1996 on the principles of constant innovation and solid execution, Silicon Labs’ strong business fundamentals and proven track record have resulted in sustained growth throughout the company's history. Silicon Labs consistently introduces best-in-class products implemented in CMOS that dramatically improve the customer value proposition. These products vastly simplify the customer design process and speed time to market by leveraging cutting edge architectures and CMOS process technology.
Silicon Labs' portfolio of both application specific and general purpose products includes high-performance, mixed-signal microcontrollers, broadcast audio solutions, ISOmodem? embedded modems, ProSLIC? subscriber line interface circuits, silicon direct access arrangements (DAAs), satellite set-top box receivers, voice codecs, VCXOs and XOs, SiPHY transceivers, clock and data recovery ICs and precision clock ICs. These patented solutions serve a broad set of markets and applications including consumer, communications, computing, industrial and automotive.
Silicon Labs is a fabless semiconductor company, enabling it to take advantage of widely available process technology that allows for reliable, mass production of the company's products at the world's most prominent semiconductor foundries.
Silicon Labs is an ISO-9001 Certified Manufacturer.
Silicon Laboratories (NASDAQ: SLAB), based in Austin, Texas, designs and develops analog-intensive, mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs) for a broad range of applications. Silicon Laboratories' diverse portfolio of highly-integrated, patented solutions is developed by a world-class engineering team with unsurpassed expertise in mixed-signal technology.