優賢是上海同濟建筑裝潢有限公司在蘇州工商局注冊的公司,上海同濟建筑裝潢有限公司管理機構是上海同圖建筑工程,上海同濟建筑裝潢有限公司是一家擁有建筑裝修裝飾工程施工一級資質、機電設備安裝工程施工三級資質的知名企業,上海市建筑裝飾裝修行業協會會員單位、ISO9001:2000質量體系認證單位,注冊資金為2500萬人民幣,依托于同濟大學土木建筑專業的優勢,擁有一支技術上成熟、專業上完備的設計和施工力量,并已經在裝潢行業以及高檔家庭裝修行業建立了自己的聲譽。 同濟主要致力于辦公室、商業用房、賓館、廠房、銀行等室內設計與裝潢。依賴于同濟大學土木建筑專業的優勢及同濟校友所掌握的高新技術 ,同時擁有一支具有一定規模的室內設計和施工隊伍。近年來公司承接了一系列跨國公司的辦公室、證券所、廠房等裝修工程,在該領域內樹立了高品質的市場形象。尤其在辦公樓裝潢方面獨樹一幟,上海著名的辦公大樓里幾乎都留有我們的作品。經過同濟人的不懈追求和努力,我們贏得廣大客戶和社會各界的肯定與美譽。上海同圖建筑設計工程有限公司是上海同濟建筑裝潢的附屬公司,其專業細致的服務深受廣大客戶好評。
Shanghai Tongji Construction and Decoration(Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is an enterprise with qualifications (1st degree in the construction and decoration projects and 3rd degree in the construction of the mechanical and electrical equipment installation project), ISO 9001 :2000 certification and is a member of Shanghai Construction and Decoration Association. The registered capital is RMB 25 million Yuan. With the advantage of the major of civil construction in Tongji University, the company is equipped with professional capacity in design and construction and has established good reputation in the industry of decoration. We are focused on the interior design and decoration of offices, commercial houses, hotels, factories and banks etc. With the high technology mastered by the alumni of Tongji University and a talent team of design and construction, the company has taken a series of decoration projects on the offices of multinational companies, security companies and factories, which builds good market image for the company. We are especially good at the office decoration. We have done projects in almost all the famous office buildings in Shanghai. We keep improving capability and services and we are acknowledged by the clients in the society. Shanghai Tongtu Construction Designing & Decoration Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Shanghai Tongji Construction and Decoration Co. Ltd, its professional and meticulous services are generally acknowledged by the clients.
Our advantages
Since we've established very good reputation in the industry, we maintain good relationship with the departments of quality inspection, security inspection and fire-control etc., which is good for improving the schedule of the projects.We also cooperate with the telecommunication department, which enables us to provide a series of relevant services. Within the organization, we specially set up a system integration department, specializing in telecom, network, cables and electronic access control etc. We can provide decoration as well as supporting services for our customers. Besides, we have wide social relationships, for example, we are friends with many developers and property companies. Therefore, our clients can get the best agent services in the future.
Our work concept
Our design engineers cater to the creative and budgetary needs of our clients, using state of the art technology and proven approaches. We have the capability of presenting multiple layouts that can meet the visual and functional demands of any commercial facility, and we take the clients perspectives into consideration. Our professional engineers and construction teams have a great deal of experience and understand the technology and materials that will best suit any budgetary, functional, or aesthetic requirements. We understand that our clients'needs change, and we will work closely to ensure that our projects are carried out in a way that meets those changing requirements. We count on the quality of our craftsmanship and design, as well as the professionalism and experience of our project managers. We keep improving ourselves, and eagerly incorporate client feedback into our project teams. Each project team is led by an experienced project manager to supervise site operations. The senior design engineers work closely with the project manager during the planning phases and even more closely with the site construction teams to ensure that design specifications are met in the final construction. To show our confidence in our work, we extend to our clients a one-year warranty on all of our services to guarantee client satisfaction. Besides excellent design and construction, we also have a team with rich experience in electromechanical, telecommunication and network engineering. We can transform the existing equipments and create intelligent working environment, so that the clients can enjoy comfortable and effective working environment.
Web: sztjzh Tel: 0512-65355558 E-Mail: sztjzh@163
Address: RedStar Building 8100 Room .Jinchang District Suzhou China!