established in 2003, shenzhen cking communications technology limited, is a pioneering manufacturing company for high performance mobile phones..cking enters into the cellular phone market around 50 different models, positions them in direct competition with domestic players like bird, lenovo and konka etc. the speed of products innovation in cking has kept with those famous multinational brands such as nokia, motorola, samsung etc. our main products are touching panel phones(k336, k339, k738, ck488), slider phones(k8838, k889, k708), bar phones(k97, ck22, k118) and dual sim card phones(k668, k689, k789), etc. all of our products are of high quality..cking has established a nation-wide distribution network in china as well as some overseas regions. cking has established tightness tie with our customers such as simoco in india, dpc in thailand, etc..cking maintains and persists to recruit talented people with ambition to produce mobile phones with advances technologies and outstanding design concepts to serve the aggressive appetite of the market . cking strives to establish as the top-ranking communications device manufacturer in china. we sincerely wish to collaborate with people with lofty ideals in the process..深圳市盈燁創新通訊技術有限公司是一家集手機產品技術研發、生產和營銷為一體的實力雄厚的高新科技通訊企業。為拓展銷售渠道,降低經營風險,公司收購了華禹通訊科技有限責任公司,擁有“ huayu ”品牌的使用權和控制權。公司秉承 “王者品質、王牌服務”的經營理念,全心全意為客戶提供超的產品和服務,傾心打造“ huayu ”品牌―――“ cking 盛泰”系列手機的全新形象,立志成為專業化、國際化的具影響力的民族通信企業。 .公司投巨資組建研發團隊,從事 gsm 制式手機多平臺的研發,已在通信核心模塊的底層協議方面取得了重大突破,提供從工業設計、結構設計、硬件設計、軟件設計、測試( te )到品質保障( qa )的一攬子解決方案。公司建立健全了一套比較科學的管理體系以及高標準的質量管理標準,確保公司產品和服務絲毫不遜色于國際國內企業的標準,擁有一支高素質的隊伍,員工總數近 1000 人,35% 以上從事高新技術研究, 40 %的員工具有碩士研究生或高級技術職稱資格。公司堅持“以人為本”的企業文化,員工朝氣蓬勃、積極向上、團結協作。完善的管理體系、健全的渠道分銷網絡、銳意創新的戰略構思、強大的技術實力和人才儲備為公司的持續良性發展奠定了堅實的基礎。