taicang pilkington china glass special glass ltd. (tpcg) is a joint venture, special glass manufacturing operation between two large, leading glass manufacturers. the successful post-holder will be required to spend 3 months in the uk..太倉中玻皮爾金頓特種玻璃有限公司是由兩家大型的,在玻璃制造業中處于地位的玻璃制造商聯合投資的生產特種玻璃的合資企業。被我司錄用的人才需去英國學習3個月..if you are interested in our positions, please send both english and mandarin versions of your cv, in confidence, to cici at cici.li@pilkington.net applicants who do not submit their cv in both languages will not be considered. the closing date for application to this role is 6pm on monday 2nd july 07. applicants who are successful at this stage will be notified within a week to arrange an interview and testing date. .如果對我們的職位有興趣請發送中英文簡歷給 cici.li@pilkington.net 如不同時發送中文和英文將不被考慮。這份招聘的有效期到7月31日18:00,被選中的簡歷的將在1周內安排面試和測試。