天津諾達恒益裝飾工程設計有限公司 簡介
諾達納斯國際建筑設計公司Noordanus Architects International
位于新西蘭基督城的諾達納斯國際建筑設計公司是一家現代化創新的建筑設計公司,由建筑設計師威廉姆諾達納斯于1985年創建。 在創建諾達納斯建筑設計公司之前,威廉姆曾在奧克蘭、惠靈頓和基督城參與了多種杰出設計工作,取得了非常有價值的經驗.通過設計各種項目,他積累了大量工作所需的知識和技能,并將這些知識和技能帶到新成立的公司使之發展壯大。自公司成立以來,公司獲得了多項建筑設計獎.其卓越的設計在新西蘭已有良好的聲譽. 諾達納斯國際建筑設計公司的人員構成是由多名來自新西蘭和歐洲,才華橫溢充滿熱情的建筑師、室內設計師、規劃師和景觀設計師組成的大型團隊。在每個項目中,所有設計人員均奉獻自己的設計觀點和知識,融匯各種西方建筑風格,創造出獨特的專項建筑及設計方案. 應用這種設計程序,我們已成功地完成了多種類型的高質量復雜設計項目,包括:住宅、商業建筑、商店、醫院、學校、工業建筑、產品設計、室內設計、賭場設計、合作配套設計、景觀設計和城市規劃。
Leading the world in Architects design
Noordanus Architects, located at Christchurch, New Zealand, is a innovative and modern architectural company that was established by Architect William Noordanus in 1985.Beforing establishing company, William once participated many outstanding design work in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch and got valuable experience. Through designing projects, he accumulated a great deal of knowledge and skill and applied it to the company to make company grow and develop. Since establishing, N.A.I has won multitude architecture and design awards and has built a reputation in New Zealand for its exellent design. Noordanus Aechitects international is a young team of many enthusiastic architects and designers who come from New Zealand and Europe. In each project, we contribute our own design ideas and knowledge, intergrate the western architectural style and create unique architectural solution. Under this procedure, we have successfully completed various projects of high qualityand complex. They include: residential building commercial building retail hospital school industrial building product designinterior design casino design cooperate matching design landscape design urban planning
新西蘭諾達納斯國際建筑設計有限公司在世界范圍內的分公司 由于其出類拔萃的設計總部位于新西蘭的諾達納斯國際設計公司飲譽**,為了不斷擴大的業務需求和更好的為客戶提供全套的設計服務,在中國-天津、德國-漢堡、澳大利亞-悉尼成立了分公司。
The branch of N.A.I in the world A worldwide reputation for excellent design and the increasing demands of a growing client base promoted N.A.I’s expansion from Zew Zealand to an international corporation with full-service offices established in Tianjin, China, Hamburg, Germany and Sydney, Australia.
威廉姆諾達納斯 總建筑設計師(荷蘭)
凱文史密斯 高級建筑設計師 (英國)
菲利普克拉克 總室內設計師 (英國)
喬治凱米瑞 高級室內設計師(意大利)
克里斯格拉森 總城市規劃和景觀設計(英國)
溫迪達甘 高級城市規劃和景觀設計師(法國)
支君 室內設計師 (新西蘭)
專業設計: 諾達納斯國際設計公司在全世界設計過數百家成功的項目,其專業設計是我們唯一的共同元素.在項目設計的每一個階段,諾達納斯國際建筑設計公司都執行嚴格的設計標準,對每個細小的設計環節毫不放松,以保證整個項目總體設計的高質量。
Professional Design A disciplined design approach is the single common factor shared by the hundreds of unique and successful projects we have completed around the world. N.A.I is the distinguished by the rigorous application of exacting standards and close attention to detail we employ during each phase of every project. N.A.I provides interior design services and documentation in the stages.