天津市北方人力資源管理顧問有限公司.天津市北方人力資源管理顧問有限公司是由中國北方人才市場組建并控股,專業從事人力資源開發和管理咨詢服務,并在中、高級人才訪尋和獵頭服務領域獨樹一幟,我們秉承現代管理經營理念,按照國際通行的方式運作,以專業化的操作和職業化的精神,向客戶提供**的人事人才服務。此外,我們依托學術團體和專業機構的支持,由人力資源管理顧問、教授學者、人力資源經理組成陣容強大的技術支持隊伍,由深諳法律規定的人士組成政策咨詢隊伍,能夠充分滿足客戶不同層次的需求。.公司擁有高質量的中、高級人才庫,與各行業人才保持著密切的聯系。.高素質的顧問團隊,廣泛的合作空間,專業的人員隊伍,規范的業務流程,**優質的服務。.憑借先進的人才派遣理念,成熟**的標準化服務體系,協助客戶將有限的資源專注于自身核心競爭力的開發,輕松應對繁雜的勞動人事事務,支持客戶實現遠大的戰略構想。.我們的服務領域:.北方獵頭------資深的獵頭服務和中、高級人才服務.專業的人力資源管理顧問咨詢.系統的人才派遣服務.全面的人力資源業務代理.畢業生就業代理服務.introduction to tianjin northern human resources consulting co., ltd (tnhr).tianjin northern human resources consulting co., ltd (hereinafter referred as tnhr), established by china tianjin northern human resources market which is also the share holder, specializes in human resources development and management consulting services. at present tnhr has been becoming tremendously outstanding in terms of finding and recommending medium and senior intellectuals to so many enterprises, enjoying high reputation in this field. .since the foundation of tnhr we have all along maintained the idea that any of our implementation in human resources must be in accordance with the international norms and standards in order that we can provide high quality services to our customers with high efficiency in the spirit of profession and devotion by the agency of the strong support from many experts, consultants and other elites in hr management field. after years of efforts tnhr has created series of medium and senior intellectuals banks and established good relations with most of them step by step. the cooperation between tnhr and many other enterprises and organizations is fruitful,nearly all of which once asked us to provide the services concerning either to human resource management or to head hunting services think it worthwhile and effective..all in all, with all those positive factors mentioned above plus our professional techniques we are confident in becoming superior over our competitors and capable to meet any challenging demands and requirements from our customers..the scope of our services is as follows: