UFXMarkets was founded in 2007. In 2011, UFXMarkets became a brand of Reliantco, a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF), regulated by CySEC, with license number 127/10. As a Securities and Exchange Commission of a European Union Member State, CySEC ensures that companies operate in accordance to MiFID guidelines. CySEC's strict regulatory standards result in increased protection for clients.
UFXMarkets (Reliantco), an online Forex broker specializing in trading commodities, currencies, CFDs and indices, is comprised of a team of Finance professionals and experts with 50 years combined experience in the Foreign Exchange industry. ParagonEx, the platform used at UFXMarkets, was originally created and developed by the CEO himself and provides the most up to date charts and feeds.
UFXMarkets’ simple philosophy of keeping clients informed, satisfied, and enthusiastic has guided the company since its inception. Clients are provided with a wealth of resources, including daily outlook videos, market reviews, trading recommendations and tips, one-on-one training, Forex articles, strategies, tutorials and more. Our 24-hour customer support is available in many languages and includes
Building upon first-class client support, competitive pricing, and an emphasis on providing the best available resources to its clients, UFXMarkets is quickly becoming a leading player in the online trading industry.
UFX Markets 是一家外匯行業網上經紀商,也專門從事商品交易、差價合約和股指。公司創建于 2007 年,擁有專門的財務專業人員和團隊,共同積累了 50 多年的外匯交易行業經驗。UFX Markets 使用的 ParagonEx 交易平臺由公司 CEO 本人創建,為客戶提供了新的表單和資源。 自 UFX Markets 創立以來,其宗旨一直非常明確:使客戶能夠了解新動向,讓顧客滿意并保持熱情。我們為客戶提供豐富的資源,包括每日展望視頻、市場評論、交易推薦和提示、一對一培訓、外匯文章、策略和教程等。提供全天候、多語言和多服務客戶支持,包括遠程協助、交易全程指導和個人交易商。 提供多種賬戶類型選項,交易者可以選擇適合自己交易方式的賬戶類型。我們也考慮到了各地文化的差異,因此為遵循伊斯蘭銀行慣例的客戶提供了“不計息”賬戶。有興趣的各方均可查閱“賬戶”頁面了解選項的詳情。 以的客戶支持、優勢價格以及重視為客戶提供佳資源為基礎,UFX Markets 迅速成長為在線交易行業的企業。 安全保障永遠是 UFX Markets 的交易者和專業人員為關注的問題。為此,我們的服務器群采用了行業標準 128 位 SSL 加密系統和多種備份設施,保障其安全性,并使用了復雜精密的防火墻系統以任何對客戶和公司信息的未授權訪問。