????■主營■**泵 磁力泵 隔膜泵 轉子泵 正弦泵 均質泵 乳化機 化工泵 旋流泵 砂漿泵 脫硫泵 計量泵 真空泵 離心泵 齒輪泵 葉片泵 插桶泵 軟管泵 渦流泵 衛生泵 排污泵 多級泵 自吸泵 螺杠泵 濃漿泵 潛水泵 往復泵 耐腐蝕泵 氟塑料泵 氣液混合泵 高溫高壓泵◆
????天田(**group)作為一家**跨國運營并在國際金融市場上成功融資的高科技企業,成立于戰后百廢待興的日本,昭和23年有流體力學 (TANATA)中川天田先生創立,他畢業于東北**工學研究生專業,源于對地球母親的生態平衡的關注和自然環境的保護.致力于水泵、閥門、給排水、環保熱能、流體零泄漏自動化控制系統設備等創新技術的推廣和應用,從而是天更藍,水亦清,田野豐之目的。我們將一如既往,充分利用過去所積累的、不斷革新的技術和專門技能,與國際**一道,共同為推進產業發展和環境保護這兩個方面做出積極的貢獻。始終以“人和自然和諧”為理念,我們不局限于已經積累的技術和生產專門技能,而是迅速地應對動態發展的市場需求,依靠靈活的設想,積極進行產品研發生產,從而造福全人類迎接未來美好新天地。
????**-Group was founded in 1948, the Industrial Park covers an area of 49,850 square meters in china, construction area of 23,800 square meters, the total assets of more than 100 million yuan, 508 staff, technical staff of 76 people, including 18 senior titles, the enjoyment of the State Council 2 allowance. Group seven-under for the company, is the design, development, manufacturing, sales and service in one, in a variety of two-, three screw pump, Shielding pump; Magnetic pump; The diaphragm pump; The rotor pump; Sine pump; Homogeneous pump; Health pump; Self-suction pump; Screw pump; Emulsifying machine; Eddy current pump; Bottled pump, high pressure gear pumps, vacuum pumps and valves for various leading products The professionalization of large manufacturers. introduction of foreign advanced technologies, with the domestic first-class universities cooperate in the development, a number of national patents, are considered Foreign high-tech enterprises, with high-quality engineering and technical personnel and staff, the computer information management technology, sophisticated equipment, strict testing and Conduct, the company has received ISO9001 international quality certification; China Classification Society marine product certification; in the petroleum, petrochemical material resources in the market of enterprises for the company's rapid development has laid a solid foundation. Company's products mainly used for oil, chemicals, power plants, boilers, construction, pharmaceutical, metallurgy, shipbuilding, and large key state projects in key equipment. Over the years the quality of products was well, welcome the masses of old and new customers call, letter,business negotiations. "tnt workers" who will never follow: "Poly-class talent, a first-class enterprises, tree-class brand," the corporate philosophy and "to customers as the center, complaining about zero" business purpose, adhere to "based on a system, the pursuit of zero defect products "The quality, innovation Ye, public integrity, objectivity, quality, return in good faith society, contributing to society.