???? 北京樂平科技開發中心成立于2004年,依托農業系統,立足于北京市科技園區文化居住區。緊臨中美住宅合作示范區全國大的經濟適用房開發區“北京回龍觀住宅區”。交通便利,信息靈通,貨真價實,服務周到。本公司竭誠為您服務。
????Leping Beijing Science and Technology Development Center Corporation introduced:
???? Leping Beijing Science and Technology Development Center was established in 2004, relying on the agricultural system, based on the culture of Science and Technology Park in Beijing residential area. Close to the Sino-US cooperation in the demonstration zone residential the country's largest affordable housing development zone "Beijing Huilongguan residential areas." Transportation is convenient, quick access to information, genuine, and thoughtful service. The Company to serve you.