青島創力工具有限公司是集進出口貿易 國內銷售為一體的一家生產型企業。公司總部位于風景秀麗,氣候宜人的青島保稅區內。青島保稅區作為沿黃河九省市唯一的國家級保稅區,它北接膠州灣及同三(同江,三亞)高速公路,距全國大的港口之一的青島港只有咫尺之遙。交通十分便利,快捷。
????公司的經營范圍包括了從精密切割,磨削磨具到進口與代理國外知名企業的高級**器械附件。公司的生產技術力量雄厚,擁有現代化的成型;加工流水線 計算機控制的燒成硬化設備及完善的產品質量檢測設備和手段。它生產的“創力”牌磨具共有三大系列數十種規格,遠銷美國 韓國 伊朗 印度尼西亞及英國等地
????AMNS Production Company is a manufacturer of precision abrasives products for medical instruments industry. Its headquarter based in Tax free Zone, QingDao, China. The company are using cutting edge technology, manufacturing line and quality control equipment to manufacture total three major category and more than ten series abrasives products. Many of those products are exported to over seas. Thanks to our superb quality, the precision abrasive products for medical industry are sold to over 70% domestic customers in China