美國迪貝優國際營養品有限公司( USA Debyou International Nutrition Co., Limited )是專業從事醫藥及嬰幼兒營養品研究開發、生產的專業大型公司,成立有迪貝優營養研究中心。中心針對亞洲嬰幼兒營養需求,與國內外多位營養學及研究機構合作,不斷潛心研究,開發出嬰幼兒谷物輔助食品等產品。為配合中國大陸市場產品的銷售及推廣,在中國成立武漢酷爾生物科技有限公司,全面負責中國內地的營銷工作。
USA Debyou international Nutrition Co.,Limited specialized in nutrition research for infant, and set up Debyou Nutrition Research Center. The center aiming at nutrition demand of Asian infant, cooperate with experts on infant nutrition and famous research organizations, involve on the research and developed products of corn assistant food. In order to meet the sell and extension for the product in China, we set up Wuhan Cool Biotechnolog Co.,Ltd especially, to take charge of marketing in China.