史密斯教育發展有限公司在愛爾蘭和中國武漢注冊成立,公司國際總部位于愛爾蘭首都Dublin繁華的商業中心Dowson大街,毗鄰愛爾蘭負盛名的圣三一大學(Trinity College of Dublin),世界聞名遐邇的Temple Bar和Grafton Street步行街也近在咫尺,地理位置優越。公司創始人惠鐵君先生曾就職于愛爾蘭知名華人報紙-《新島報》,擔任主編多年,并擔任華人中心執行董事和華人會秘書長一職,有著豐富的在愛爾蘭求學和生活經歷, 2011年作為華商代表參加同事訪問愛爾蘭招待會,受到同志親切接見,并合影留念。另一創始人李敬利先生求學并畢業于愛爾蘭著名國立大學UCD Michael Smurfit Business School,對愛爾蘭教育體系有著深刻的理解和認識。國內公司位于湖北省武漢市武昌區中南路7號中商廣場寫字樓A座2001室,方便協助國內院校開展合作。
與愛爾蘭當地華人社區有著緊密的聯系和合作,這些華人協會和社區包括:愛爾蘭中國學生學者聯誼會(中愛學聯)、愛爾蘭華人專業協會(華專會)、愛爾蘭上海同鄉會、愛爾蘭福建同鄉會/福建商會、愛爾蘭主流華人報紙媒體、華人主流網絡論壇等;愛爾蘭本土組織則包括:Higher Education Authority(HEA), The Ireland China Association(ICA)、Enterprise Ireland等。通過這些社會資源,史密斯能更有效地收集并向學生提供更多有益學生學習、工作和就業等相關信息和幫助,諸如學生到達后的學聯入會登記安排、一對一華人學長生活輔助活動等。
The Company & Its Service
The Lightbox Smith Ltd. Trade name as:Smith Education Counseling (SEC) was established in 2009 with 5 full time and 3 part time employees in Ireland Dublin office and 20 full time employees in China Wuhan office. The registered name of the Wuhan office is Smith Education Development Ltd..
SEC provides services for Irish and Chinese higher education institutions by building the partnerships and strategic collaborative relationships, such as joint articulation programmes. By coordinating cross-borders joint project, SEC helps to enhance the educational communications between two countries and helps Irish colleges access to the Chinese market,
SEC provides guides service to Chinese students through the application process and also has offered education counseling service to assist Chinese students securing their enrollment of the colleges in Ireland. In previous working, SEC has built an extensive database of available college courses which facilitate providing each client individualized consulting and assuring high success rate.
Besides, SEC do MORE than an Agent
SEC is an agent, but we are willing to do more then that for our student.
We care about student’s life
We help student to understand the Irish Culture and Irish education system
We advice students find suitable course and college
We help students to adapt new environment
We are at a very important position in Chinese community, and Chinese students need SEC to help them.