過去的10年里,武漢尚王文化傳播有限公司發展成為中國大的視覺文化傳播公司之一,四家分支機構廣布于香港、深圳、上海、武漢等國際化都市,形成完善的服務網絡。眾多 富有才干和創新思想的專業人士,為眾多本土及國際的藝術家、著名企業及品牌,提供專業服務和策略咨詢。
尚王文化公司與國內的藝術機構、院校(**美院、清華美院等)建立了長期技術合作和資源共享關系;國內業務現已覆蓋全國多個省市。尚王文化將圍繞文化藝術交流、動 漫設計、平面設計、數碼圖文制作、展覽展示、攝影服務、影像技術培訓及推廣、出版策劃、企業形象策劃、品牌策劃、公關活動策劃、藝術品展示及推廣、文化禮品創意設計等 開展經營業務。
尚王文化將本地資源優勢和國際網絡融合一體,創造針對中國市場的強勢營銷活動。而隨著國內外客戶在中國市場日趨活躍,尚王文化正成為國際化的本土公司,也將是本土 化的國際文化傳播公司 。
In the past ten years,Wu Han Shang King culture communications CO.. Ltd developed into one of the largeat visual culture communication Company in China.Four subsidiaries widespread in HK,Shen Zhen,Shang Hai,WuHan and other international cities,fromed a comprehensive sevice s netwok.. Many talented and innovative ideas professionals for many local and international artists,famous enterprises and brand providing a full range of professional services and strategy consulting.
Shang king culture company with the domestic authority of thr arts institutions and the colleges(China central Academy of Fine Arts and Qing hua universty Academy of Art) have established the long-term technical collaboration and the resources sharing relations.Domestic business has been covering many provinces and cities all round of the China.Shang king culture will focus on the culture and art.animation,digital design,graphis design and making,exhibition,photography.imaging technology training and promotion,publication design,corproate branding,brand design,event planning,art exhibiton and promotion of public relations,cultural gift design business.
Shang king culture integrating and advantages of loca resources and international network,create a strong marketing campaign for the chinese market.With domesitic and foreign costormers are becoming increasingly artive in the chinese market,Shang king cutire is becoming the most international of local company and culture communication company.
More than hundred domestic and foreign artists and groups distributed eight sectors and maintain a long-term,stability,loyalty and intimate partner relationships. The Unique idea od the spread and improve the operating mechanism of thick places 10 years of development history.Withness the exquisite brand culture.