香港赫特國際集團有限公司是Herst International Group專門從事紡織化學品推廣的機構。它的主要業務是為亞太地區的紡織品工廠提供優質安全的功能材料和紡織染化助劑。? 近年來,中國大陸的紡織業快速發展,對高科技紡織化學品的需求空前高漲。為了適應這種趨勢,我們在上海、深圳、杭州和青島等地設立了公司,其主要業務是為中國大陸的紡織企業提供Herst產品和相關的技術服務。 作為**的紡織化學品品牌,Herst非常珍惜世界無數廠家的信賴,我們將繼續努力,不斷提供安全、**的優質產品,致力于改善人類的健康。
Herst International Group is one of the most world-famous chemical industry product providers. Nowadays, it is leading the way in researching and developing of functional material and textile chemistry.
Hong Kong Herst Company is a unit of spreading the functional material in the Herst International Group, which mainly supplies the secure and superior products of functional material and textile chemistry to the textile works in the Asia-Pacific region.
In these years, the textile industry has developed very quickly in the mainland of China and it has a large field in demand of hi-tech textile chemistry. To fit in with the tendency, we set up the company on the Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Qingdao. It chiefly supplies the product and service of Herst for the textile works in the mainland of China.