武漢縱云高科技術有限公司是美國Gagein公司在中國武漢的戰略合作伙伴, 目前雙方計劃在中國武漢建立一個大規模**研發中心以支持Gagein公司的快速發展。縱云高科現為籌備中的Gagein**研發中心(歌錦中國有限公司),面向社會、各高校誠邀英才。
Gagein的總裁兼主席彭羅生博士在此之前于1999年創辦的創道軟件(Innopath Software)是**移動裝置管理領域的龍頭企業。創道軟件**個在**范圍內成功發行了移動裝置管理軟件,并在亞洲及北美市場所向披靡,每年公司營業額都以 100%的速度增長。Gagein公司現已申請兩項美國專利,發展潛力巨大。Gagein產品的初目標市場是美國和加拿大,并將很快把其業務擴展到國際市場。
GageIn is a Silicon Valley high-tech company focused on online business news aggregation and relationship management. Our goal is to build the world’s richest and most accurate business database and offer the best business news, analytical intelligence, and relationship management for business users. We have just launch our Beta product in June 2010.
We have just set up our subsidiary in China and are expanding our team. We are excited to meet with smart, energetic and self-motivated talents and genius in web development, java engineering, and database building.
We are constantly looking for talented, innovative and hard-working people that are willing to develop themselves and become the best of themselves. We offer excellent growth opportunities for qualified candidates who wish to grow their skills and job responsibilities with the company, sky is the only limit.
Interested candidates please e-mail your Chinese and English resume as attachments, cover letter, and compensation requirement to jobs@gagein with job title you are applying in the subject line.