吳江匯杰生物科技公司位于汾湖開發區,在上海和蘇州之間。匯杰是由美國海歸博士團隊于2011年創辦的企業,業務集中于自有的新一代測序技術樣品制備試劑盒的研發和推廣,以及面向試劑用戶的小規模的建庫服務。目前已有8個試劑產品準備上市,其中大部分具有國際范圍的自主知識產權。 面對中國正在迅速增長的新一代測序技術的市場, 匯杰將繼續依靠國際的技術力量,不斷推出滿足市場上技術需求的,有自主知識產權的新產品。
Wujiang Huijie Biotech, LLC is situated in the FOHO Economic Development Zone, between Shanghai and Suzhou. Huijie was founded in 2011 by individuals with US ph.D. degrees and 10+ years of work experience. Huijie focuses its business in the product development of library preparation and small scale services to its reagent customers. There are 8 new products ready for market. Most of them are protected by international intellectual properties. Attracted by the rapid growing Next Generation Sequencing market in China, Huijie will continuously develop patent protected new products to address technical challenges under the support of its internationally leading technical team.
The founding members of Huijie have worked extremely hard and efficient for the past year to build the company and completed a set of milestones. Now the business has evolved to a point when hard working, responsible and efficient technical talents are needed for continued growth and expansion. We will work together to build a leading business in the technical field of Next Generation Sequencing as well as exciting and rewarding life experiences.
As a start-up company, Huijie offers to its employee not only competitive salaries and benefits, but also great career development opportunities. At the start-up stage, HuiJie enjoys the luxury of customizing job responsibilities based on the employees’ strengths and interests. As the business evolve, out performing employees will be rapidly promoted and assume more responsibilities. Unavoidably, employees will be involved in all aspects of the company’s operation, which are valuable real life case studies. Huijie looks forward to grow and prosper together with its employees while providing a learning platform for their future career development.