2、庭院高級遮陽傘、香蕉傘、(鋪面、窗前)伸縮雨蓬、汽車反向傘,產品汽車降溫防嗮傘 。對產品不斷開發和創新及改善品質更適應生活所需求。
本公司開拓經營多年,守法經營,不斷的投入完善硬件設施,從接單到原材料采購、排產、生產制程至成品檢驗出貨,全程服務,迅速快捷,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。配備從事制傘工作多年經驗豐富的專業技術人員及QC/QA品質檢驗人員。確保產品質量在PASSED狀態下出廠。本企業的宗旨是質量是企業的生命,客戶就是上帝。同時企業的誠信、承諾和別的相比:相同的規格,同等的材料,是低的價格,卻是更好的質量,好的服務。實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。攜手共創輝煌! China guangdong yinhe taoyuan township sunchon, umbrellas umbrella factory is a private enterprise, located in China's coastal regions of the pearl river delta, guangdong yinhe taoyuan township, adjacent to jiangmen, shunde, foshan, guangzhou, dongguan, shenzhen, zhongshan, zhuhai and other major cities in the developed economy, convenient traffic developed land, sea transport, is the preferred business cooperation at home and abroad merchants. Product main business:
1, umbrella, umbrella fashion (reverse umbrella, vinyl umbrella, sun umbrella, outdoor tents, advertising (sun umbrella, gift umbrella, tents, apron, environmental protection bags, festival promotion gas arches) classes, and other products specializing in the production, the processing of the company.
2, senior courtyard umbrella, banana umbrella, (paving, window) scale rain loose, auto reverse umbrella, authoritative product auto cooling waste their umbrellas. Continuous development and innovation of products and improving quality to meet the needs of life.