公司產品服務于生物科技制藥、環境功能材料、農業、食品加工和生物活性醫學材料等行業。首期開發成功的納米生物陶瓷樹脂材料 -- 羥基磷灰石微球,該生產工藝擁有完全自主知識產權。 該產品的多項性能參數處于國際水平,并填補了國內產品空白,不僅打破了國外公司在該產品領域的獨家壟斷局面,同時可以滿足國內外用戶在研發和生產中對該產品的特殊性能需求。
BioCanal Scientific Inc. was founded by several senior scientists with the experience of U.S. multinationals, dedicated todeveloping world-leading nanotechnology for providing highest
quality of products. The company specializes in the research,
production and sales of high-end chromatographic media for the separation and purification of biomolecules.
The key product with independent intellectual propriety
right is ceramic resin material, i.e., hydroxyapatite microspheres.
The product is highly spherical with narrow-sized distribution
of particles, high surface area and mechanical strength, which
makes it ideal purification resin for large biomolecules.In addition, BioCanal produces and commercializes various nanotech-based magnetic beads used for immuno-precipitation,antibody purification, DNA enrichment, etc.
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