公司通過 ISO9001 質量體系認證,并通過了 GL 、 BV 、 LR 船級社的工廠型式認證。產品符合國際標準及有關部門國際規范要求,獲得 DNV 、 ABS 、 LR 、 GL 、 BV 、 RINA 、 CCS 等船級社的認可,擁有**售后服務網絡。
目前,我公司主要生產各種規格型號的船用起重機、救生艇 / 筏降落裝置、系泊絞車、起貨絞車、應急拖帶、船舶艙口蓋。本公司生產的各種船用設備,技術先進,質量可靠,深得國內外擁護的信賴和好評。
Wuxi Haitian Marine Equipment CO., LTD is a specialized company which deals in the research, design, manufac-ture, sale and service of all types of ship equipments.
Our company is located in north suburb of Wuxi city and abuts the the Grant Canal and Nanjing Expressway. Our company was founded on the 1990s. There are a lot of medium and high-level professionals and many tec-hnicians from large industry enterprises. The company has been supported by many science and research insti-tutes, universities and design institutions from Shanghai . We had developed the latest ship equipments by us-ing the new technology such as computer aided design, analysis and simulation. We provide quality products a-nd good service to all shipyards and ship-owners.
Our company has got ISO9001:2000 quality management system certificate. And we also got the scheme reco-gnition by GL, BV and LR. The products are in compliance with up-to-date SOLAS stipulations and other interna-tional standards, and also approved by DNV, ABS, LR, GL, BV, RINA, and CCS and so on. Our company has a w-orld wide service.
Nowadays, our company provides all types of deck cranes, life-saving launching appliances, mooring winch, ca-rgo winch, emergency towing and hatch covers. Our all products have advance technology, reliable quality and welcomed by domestic and international customers.