開創集團是一家**的提供材料處理設備,系統和服務解決方案的供應商。其提供的產品和服務涉及塑膠,食品,化學制品,清潔劑,制藥行業,造紙行業。通過與客戶及商業伙伴的緊密合作,在40多年生產經驗的基礎上,開創集團為實現卓越生產力而不斷創新。.開創集團成立于1964年,總部位于美國新澤西洲,業務遍及美國,墨西哥,歐洲,亞洲的多個國家和地區。開創的制造基地位于美國,瑞士,英國和中國。.開創集團是在美國納斯達克的上市公司(代碼ktii),更多信息請查閱網址:ktroninternational.無錫開創卡爾麥設備有限公司是由開創集團在中國投資的首批制造性企業。為亞洲市場開發和生產開創品牌的產品。主要產品為真空上料機、喂料機、切粒機、失重秤、液壓站。更多信息請查閱網址:ktroncolormax.k-tron international provide material handling equipment, systems and services to a wide variety of industries, including the plastics, food, chemical, detergent, pharmaceutical, electric utility and paper and pulp industries. the customers of k-tron include many of the largest companies in their fields as well as numerous other multinational, regional and local businesses. .k-tron internationa was founded in 1964 and is headquartered in pitman, new jersey. usa. global business is reach spans united states, mexico, europe and asia. k-tron manufacturing facilities are located in the united states, switzerland, united kingdom, and the p. r. china..k-tron is a traded on nasdaq (symbol ktii). you can learn more about k-tron international on their web site at ktroninternational..wuxi k-tron colormax machinery co. ltd is the 100% owned by k-tron international and the first manufacture company in china. developing and manufacturing k-tron brand products for the asian market.please visit our website: ktroncolormax