POSH believes in design and respects the environment. With a design office in Hong Kong and an ISO9001/ISO14001 production facility in China, POSH designs, manufactures and markets officefurniture solutions that have been GECA (Good Environmental Choice Australia) approved and recognized with the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence. The company received the award of “Eco-Business 2007” by Business Environment Council and “The Green Medal” by The Federation of Hong Kong Industries for its leadership and stewardship in protecting the environment. Known for its strong brand image of “Better Design, Better Environment”, POSH was honored with the prestigious “Hong Kong Top Brand Awards 2010” and voted as the “Best Office Furniture Brand” in Hong Kong by CAPITAL magazine in 2007. POSH was the founding corporate sponsor of Hong Kong Design Centre and has been named “Caring Company” for 6 consecutive years since 2005 for the outstanding achievements in corporate citizenship.
On 11th,March,2011, POSH was acquired by HermanMiller which is the largest office furniture brand in the world and became one brand under its labels. Cooperating with HermanMiller,POSH's products line is more rich. We meets the needs of multi-level Asia Pacific customers better. Currently,the scale of POSH includes thousands of employees, Hong Kong design firm, more than 30 international distributors, and strong domestic special sales network.
POSH (wuxi) Furniture System Co.,Ltd is the distributor in Southern Jiangsu, with 1300 square meters showroom and office area, Located in the Southern District of Wuxi City long Canal Road No. 557 times international C building 2301 room
計、制造及營銷。科譽建基于香港,其品牌產品均在國內通過ISO9001及ISO 14001認證,曾多次獲得設計獎項,產品質量優越,不但獲得香港環保卓越計劃的良好實踐標志,更得到澳洲良好環境選擇認證。科譽于2007年獲商界環保協會頒授盛世環保企業獎及于2008年獲頒香港工業總會的綠色獎章。優質設計.優化環境是科譽的品牌理念。科譽不單在2007年被《資本雜志》選為香港佳辦公室家具品牌,更在2010年被香港品牌發展局選為香港名牌。
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