本公司是集策劃、設計、生產、銷售服務為一體的企業。廠區占地面積約2000多平方米,員工達60多人,擁有 200T-2000T國際先進液壓機和全自動四色、六色移印機,金銀壓片機,檢測儀,全自動拋光機等設備,專業生產純金、純銀、純銀象棋、紀念盤、紀念銀條、獎章、純銀餐具、純銀元寶、紀念銀如意及各種高檔文化禮品。并成功為眾多企事業單位定制,生產不同類型產品。
本公司不斷提高金、銀產品質量和企業經營管理水平,本著“意如泉純 禮聚四方”的經營理念,一如既往的把泉聚純金銀事業做精,做細,做強,做大,向的企業集團促進,以的產品,的質量,的服務奉獻給新老客戶。
Company Introduction
Our company was established in 1997,which is a member of the China Business Gifts Production Association.
The company is developed from former metal handicrafts institution.
The pursuit of new design art concepts is our consistent tradition. Our designers and technicians have a lot of experience in the aspects of design and manufacture.Over more than ten years,our company has been constantly improved the competitiveness and has created a unique development path.
Meanwhile,our company has the equipments,such as casting equipments,stamping equipments,erode equipments,centrifugal casting equipments,etc,and mainly focuses on precious metals ,nonferrous metals,alloys, low-melting metals, and can produce many kinds of metal crafts and commemorative coins.