通信事業部業務范圍:無線通信網絡規劃及優化、硬件安裝、調測及網絡維護等。已成為中國聯通、中國移動、MOTOROLA、西門子、Alcatel、NOKIA 等眾多通信領域知名企業的戰略合作伙伴。
Xi'an Hua Xi information & intellectualized engineering co., ltd. was instituted in 1989, Have 21.5 million registered financing. It's a professional enterprise of telecom system integration, computer light current system integration; It's a collectivize enterprise of multitude scientific research, design, development, production, installation, construction for one-piece; It's a new technology enterprise authenticated by Country.
Telecom department business scope:Radio network plan and Radio network optimize, hardware installation, integration and network maintenance. We have become the partner of CHINA UNICOM, CHINA MOBILE, MOTOROLA, SIEMENS, ALCATEL & NOKIA etc.
Technical department business scope:light-current system integration engineering, equipment room systems engineering, equipment room stuff, equipment, sale, installation;Project located most of part of China. 90% of our projects are comment as high qualified engineering.