國際職業化妝師協會目前是**性的一家化妝師協會。 國際職業化妝師協會(International Profession Cosmetician Association,英文簡稱IPCA)是經中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府批準設立的專業化妝師的行業協會。IPCA是**開展化妝師資格認證工作完善、規范、專業的機構之一,從成立多年來積累了豐富的國際注冊認證工作經驗。 IPCA致力于推動和促進化妝師市場繁榮及職業化妝師的教育和培養,IPCA國際職業化妝師資格作為工作技能的衡量標準得到了各行業、雇主等各個層面的認可。 IPCA在2006年開始在中國大陸推廣并頒授其國際職業化妝師資格證書。
International Profession Cosmetician Association is a global authoritrian?association for cosmetician. IPCA is a professional of cosmetician which is ratified to set up by the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. IPCA is a professional? and experienced organization for cosmetician ,it is highly-standard and well-equipped all over the world. IPCA is committed to promote the education and training of professional? costimetician. IPCA is also committed to?advance the prosperity of the costmetician market. The certificate of IPCA received the recognition of all fields. IPCA started?? to popularize?and to grant its certificate to the mainland of China in 2006.