西安眾聚力合網絡科技有限公司是英國著名公司Envisionate在中國創立的高新科技公司,公司立足于互聯網供應鏈管理系統給**中小型工業、商業及消費者市場客戶提供創新性的解決方案。管理團隊成員擁有多年世界500強跨國公司管理經驗,能為客戶提供高水準的解決方案。 We are a fast growig company in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and consumer markets around the world. With our deep expertise and understanding of these professions, we are able to offer our customers a broad range of innovative products and services. We provide the relevent, insightful information and intuitive supporting systems which enable our customers to be successful. Our employees take pride in providing our customers around the world with information that is timely, accurate, unbiased and trusted. We have a profound respect for the professions and customers we serve and define our success in terms of their success.Our environment is both challenging and supportive - we give employees the opportunity to develop their skills and do their best work.
公司就近公交站有225路, 526路, 902路,411路,261路, 324路, 526路, 710路, 902路, 高新1號線, 高新草堂專線。