???? 西部礦業集團有限公司成立于2000年5月,總部位于青海省省會西寧市。公司前身是由青海省人民政府與原國家有色金屬工業管理總局在原錫鐵山鉛鋅礦基礎上于1982年8月共同出資建設的錫鐵山礦務局。2000年5月,錫鐵山礦務局整體改制為西部礦業有限責任公司,注冊資本為1.58億元。同年8月,公司正式移交青海省人民政府管理。2005年12月,西部礦業有限責任公司進行了定向增資,注冊資本增至16億元,控股股東為青海省政府國有資產監督管理委員會。2006年7月,公司名稱變更為“西部礦業集團有限公司”。
????about us
????western mining group co., ltd., headquartered in xining city, qinghai province, was incorporated in may 2000. its predecessor was xitieshan mining bureau(“the bureau”), which was developed as a joint venture by qinghai provincial government and the former state bureau of nonferrous metal industry on the former xitieshan lead and zinc mine in august 1982. in may 2000, the bureau was wholly restructured into western mining co., ltd. (“western mining”) with a registered capital rmb158 billion yuan. in august the same year, western mining was transferred to qinghai provincial government. in december 2005, the registered capital of western mining, after placement of additional capital, grew to rmb1.6 billion yuan. its controlling shareholder became state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of qinghai provincial government. in july 2006, western mining was renamed western mining group co., ltd.
????since its inception, western mining group has been committed to a strategy of resource development and going global. years of dedication has enabled us to make headway and become a growing force in the mining industry. we have grown from a junior miner with total assets of only rmb803 million yuan at the end of 1999 to a conglomerate with total assets of rmb25.7 billion yuan. now our scope of businesses include geological exploration, mining, ore dressing, smelting, scientific research, import and export trade, investment and financing. we also produce a diverse range of products, nonferrous metals, salt chemical industry, ferrous metals, energy, non-metallic minerals, international resources, which provide us a launching pad to a global player. the company has business presence in beijing, shanghai and hong kong. under its umbrella are over 40 directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries in 12 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of mainland china and hk special administrative region.
????as of 2009, western mining group has topped the chart of top 50 qinghai enterprises for three consecutive three years. its 372 rank in top 500 chinese enterprises 2009 makes it the only company from qinghai province to be named in the chart.