公司簡介Xuedi Profile
????Xuedi Translation Agency is a professional translation and localization service provider registered with Changsha Administration for Industry & Commerce. With the tagline of “Winning with quality”, Xuedi is committed to providing clients with interpreting, translation and localization services of superior quality and value.
????本社運作嚴格遵照翻譯國標(GB/T19363.1-2003)及ISO9001:2000標準,并以此為藍本, 建立公司管理、運作及質量體系,在每個環節真正做到專業、規范。
????Xuedi rigorously follows the national translation (GB/T19363.1-2003) and the ISO9001:2000 standards, based on which we have developed our own management, operating and quality assurance systems to achieve excellence in clients’ satisfaction.
????立足湖南、面向**。幾年來,雪地已與北京、西安、廣州、深圳近十家翻譯公司結成友好合作單位,真正實現**翻譯資源的整合和共享, 24小時為您提供貼心、專業的服務。
????Based in Hunan, Serving the World. In recent years, Xuedi has been cooperated with many excellent translation organs from Beijing, Xi’an, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. This powerful platform enables us to integrate and share global translation resources, and to provide 24-hour service for you.