徐州高鑫汽車電器有限公司位于交通發達的徐州經濟開發區,是由處于世界汽車電器領域領導水平的巴西GAUSS在中國設立的分公司,公司目前主要生產各類汽車整流器和調節器。徐州高鑫完全按照巴西GAUSS符合ISO 9001/2000質量體系認證的標準安排建設和生產,擁有世界先進的生產和檢測設備,擁有熱情卓越的中外員工,均經過嚴格的培訓和篩選,從而延續了產品的優異質量和GAUSS品牌的良好口碑。
Located in the Xuzhou Economic Development Zone with supelier transptation,Xuzhou Gaoxin Autoparts Electronic Ltd is the China branch of GAUSS Brazil.GAUSS Brazil is a wld wide leader in the field of electronic auto parts.At present the Xuzhou Gaoxin mainly produces regulators and rectifiers. Xuzhou Gaoxin arranges its buildings and manufactures according to ISO 9001/2000 Standard,and the factory is equiped with the most advanced manufacture and test machines and instruments, recruited with passionate and super excellent staff who have been strictly trained and filtered.Thereby,we have sustained the excellent quality of our products and the fame of our brand-GAUSS。
聯系電話: 0516- 87939891
聯系人: 陳小姐