宜昌集昶國際貿易有限公司主要以國際貿易業務為主業,公司從業人員具有10多年的外貿經驗。 公司成立的宗旨在于通過全體員工的不懈努力,為國內眾多廠家尋找更優質、更直接的海外客戶, 同時也為國外用戶提供更穩定、安全、可靠的供貨渠道。通過公司專業化的服務,在廠家和用戶之間建立起一座穩固的橋梁,也使公司自身在為廠家和用戶的服務之中不斷發展、壯大。
Yichang J&C International Co.,Ltd is a professional trading company. With more than 10 years experience in the international markets, the company aims to find more qualified end users for the manufacturers in China and search more stable and reliable suppliers for the oversea end users. Through its professional service, it will build a solid bridge between the manufacturers and the end users, and develop itself in the procedure of its service.