Cheng-day Yancheng Institute of Environmental Engineering
公司由民營企業家和多位國內外的資深環保發起,他們擁有良好的知識背景,從事國內外電力,建材,冶金等行業電除塵,布袋除塵工作十多年, 積累了豐富的實踐經驗,技術隊伍精干敬業。公司以客戶需求為導向,以技術發展為基礎,以質量為保證,重視人力資源,通過科學的管理為客戶提供優質的產品和服務。主要經營的產品包括:電廠燃煤鍋爐除塵、脫硫 ;建材,冶金等行業電除塵,布袋除塵等。很多產品和技術已在國內外電力,建材,冶金等行業,取得了優良的效果,在國內處于的地位。公司設計、生產各類布袋除塵器,在火電、冶金、建材、造紙等行業得到極為廣泛的應用。為客戶提供全套的設備圖紙,使得客戶能根據自己的需要生產其急需的設備,從而節約了大量的設備投入資金和運輸費用。希望能與有志于此的各方面團體個人共同開發利用。
澳大利亞邁迪克 (MIDECO)煙塵治理公司 澳大利亞錘能 (TRI ENRGY)公司澳大利亞喬特 (JOTT)電力工程公司澳大利亞奧伯尼 (ALBANY)公司
5. 提供工業硅冶煉電爐煙氣凈化技術
6 提供新型抗結露臥式電除塵器技術,
9、提供陶瓷企業布袋 除塵技術。
11 提供阻火型脈沖袋式除塵器技術
12 提供鐵合金礦熱爐袋式除塵技術
13 提供增濕塔技術
14 提供電石爐長袋脈沖袋除塵技術
15 提供電袋復合除塵器技術
16 提供電解鋁廠煙氣干法凈化系統技術
郵箱:jstc888@126.com電話:0515-83033975傳真:0515-88296006 13004488475 15005106507網址: http://www.tc-hb.cn http://www.tc-cc.cn
二 靜電除塵器,電除塵器,電除塵; 堿回收爐電除塵器
五,除塵設備,燒結板除塵器, 塑燒板除塵器,濾筒式除塵器
The company initiates by the private enterpreneur and many domestic and foreign senior environmental protection experts, they have the good knowledge background, is engaged in the domestic and foreign electric powers, the building materials, profession electricity dust removal and so on metallurgy, the cloth sack dust removal works for more than ten years, gained in the rich experience, the technical team capable professional. The company take the customer demand as the guidance, take the technological development as the foundation, take the quality as the guarantee, takes the human resources, provides the high quality product and the service through the science management for the customer. The main management's product includes: Power plant coal-fired boiler dust removal, desulphurization; Building materials, profession electricity dust removal and so on metallurgy, cloth sack dust removal and so on. Many products and the technology in the domestic and foreign electric powers, the building materials, professions and so on metallurgy, have made the fine progress, in domestic is at the leading position. The corporate design, produces each kind of cloth sack dust remover, in professions and so on thermal power, metallurgy, building materials, papermaking obtains the extremely widespread application. Provides the complete set for the customer the equipment blueprint, enables the customer according to own to need to produce its urgently needed equipment, thus saved the massive equipment to invest the fund and the cartage expense. Corporation and the domestic and foreign many enterprises have established the strategy cooperation, including US's VTRON Corporation, BestPower Corporation, Australia steps the Dick mist and dust government company and so on. Through with theirs cooperation, we have obtained a high beginning, the most advanced technology and the product serves partner take the profession in as our country's environmental protection enterprise the Australia to step Dick the (MIDECO) mist and dust government company The Australian hammer can (TRI ENRGY) company Australia Choate (JOTT) electric power project company Australia Ober Nepal (ALBANY) Corporation
The product introduces
1, provide large-scale pulse long cloth sack dust remover technology
2, provide power plant bag dust remover technology
3, provide the large-scale electricity dust removal to change bag dust remover technology
4, provide coal-fired boiler cloth sack dust removal system technology
5. Provides industry silicon smelting electric stove haze purification technology
6 provide the new anti-condensation horizontal type electric precipitator technology, 7, provides the gas tank pulse cloth sack dust remover, and so on humidification tower serial products technology .
8, provides sets up the kiln Bolivia filament bag type dust remover technology.
9, provides the ceramic enterprise cloth sack dust removal technology.
10, provides the impeller type rotor to choose powder machine technology .
11 provide fire resistance pulse bag type dust remover technology
12 provide ferroalloy ore hot stove bag type dust removal technology
13 provide humidification tower technology
14 provide carbide furnace long bag pulse bag dust removal technology
15 raise power supply bag compound dust remover technology
16 provide electrolysis aluminum manufacturer haze dry purification system technology
17 provide dust workshop dust removal technology
18 provide ectric steelmaking long bag low pressure pulse bag type dust removal technology the
19 incinerator cloth sack dust remover to increase the fire resistance installment (fire barrier) technical
20 provide filter drum type dust remover technology
21 provide the steel rolling to model burns board filter element type dust remover technology the
Provides the large-scale pulse long cloth sack dust remover technology
22 coke oven to purifyThe dust remover blueprint and models burns board dust removal blueprint