玉環市昌德利機械廠位于經濟發達的沿海地區-浙江省玉環縣東海岸,是一個具有現代科學高科技機械產業的生產基地,具有便利的交通條件。 企業建立于2007年,特別是致力于生產一系列的汽車產品:球頭、拉桿球頭、拉桿總成、擺臂、吊桿、中心平衡桿、平衡總成、主幫汰、副幫汰、懸架等200多種底盤件,以日韓車系為主,按照OEM原產件開發,目前已出口到美國,南美,中東等海外市場,產品品質得到了國內外客戶的一致好評,本廠始終堅持“品質**誠信經營”的宗旨,您的滿意是我們的追求,昌德利機械廠將不斷努力的將產品做好,做全,精益求精 一如既往的服務于每個客戶, 竭誠歡迎汽配業界同仁來人來電參觀指導長期合作。 Yuhuan changdali Machinery Factory is located in the economically developed coastal area -- the east coast of Yuhuan County, Zhejiang province. It is a production base with modern scientific and high-tech machinery industry, and has convenient traffic conditions. The enterprise was established in 2007, is committed to the production of automotive products: a series of ball head, ball head, rod assembly, swing arm, boom, balance center rod, balance assembly and the main help, help, vice jig jig suspension and other 200 kinds of chassis parts, cars in Japan, according to native OEM the development, has been exported to the United States, South America, Middle East and other overseas markets, the quality of products by domestic and foreign customers, our factory always adhere to the "quality first, integrity management" purposes, your satisfaction is our pursuit, Lee Chang Machinery Factory will continue efforts to product well, do the whole, as in the past the excellence service to each customer, welcome to US auto industry colleagues to visit the guidance of long-term cooperation.