我們專注嬰兒背帶,腰凳,兒童汽車安全帶,嬰兒學步帶、等母嬰用品 的生產開發。
義烏市和田母嬰用品廠本著:“誠信、求實、創新、雙贏”的精神,“質量**、客戶至上”的原則,“持續改善、精 益求精”的發展目標,真誠歡迎國內外客商來本工廠采購或共同開發新產品,攜手共創美好事業。
In yiwu and maternal and child supplies factory in line with: the good faith strives for realism the innovation spirit of win-win, the principle of quality first customer first, continuous improvement of pure profit refinement development goals, to our factory sincerely welcome domestic and foreign customers to purchase or to jointly develop new products, to join hands in creating a better career